Lyme Congregational Church
1 Dorchester Road, Lyme, NH 03768
Sunday Worship: Sept. - June 10:30 am / July - August 9:30 am
Pastoral Review Survey
The Reverend Amy S. Hayden has served as pastor of Lyme Congregational Church since February 2015. In accordance with the constitution of the Lyme Congregational Church, we are seeking constructive comments and observations from members of the church and residents of the Lyme community on Pastor Amy Hayden’s performance as our pastor: what her perceived strengths are, what areas need to be strengthened; and identifying areas of need both for her as our pastor and for us as a church. Due to the pandemic and other intervening factors, we have not been able to structure a review of our pastor since 2017. It is critical that we receive feedback in order to perform a long overdue review of our pastor’s performance and for this, we truly need your participation.
For this purpose, we have provided the following surveys. Please return your response to the appropriate survey by January 1, 2023, either to the church office in a sealed envelope (addressed to the Pastoral Review Committee, Lyme Congregational Church, PO Box 27, Lyme NH 03768) or scan and return by email to the Pastoral Review Committee: Alternatively, you may complete the survey online using the one of following buttons, as appropriate.
In order to be taken seriously and reverently, responses should include your name(s); please be assured that personal identities will be held in the strictest confidence by members of the Committee, and will not be shared with the pastor or with any other church members or community residents.
Concrete examples to illustrate your opinions will be especially helpful to us and to Pastor Amy.
As you frame your responses, please consider our church’s mission and vision statement below:
We Envision:
Practicing our faith purposefully with a deep spiritual emphasis within worship and our ministries.
Living our faith with a strong connectedness to the greater Lyme community.
Sharing our faith using new ways to communicate with the greater Lyme community as well as within our church family.
Acting on our faith by serving in our world.
Offering our church’s Meetinghouse as a vital resource for the greater Lyme community.
Inviting the participation of more young families and children as we partner with other churches and like-minded organizations.
Streamlining our congregational organization.
The Pastoral Review Committee thanks you in advance for your time, effort and thoughtfulness.
Catherine Hopper
Jennifer Grant Prileson
John Sanders, Chair
Fred Schaafsma
Scott Thompson